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Top 5 Toxins of Easter

By April 8, 2017 Uncategorized

5 Most Common Easter Toxins


1. Chocolate


Problem: Easter is typically the top day for chocolate intoxication calls to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, topping Christmas, Valentine’s Day and even Halloween. Why? Pets often find candy hidden around the house and yard or Easter baskets left unattended.

Solution: Make sure all candy is out of reach of pets at all times.

2. Lilies

Image result for dog flowers

Problem: True lilies and daylilies are a concern for acute kidney failure in cats. All homes with cats should be very careful with Easter lilies.

Solution: The APCC suggests lilies not enter the house with cats. However, if they must be there, make sure cats don’t have access to any part of the plant, including pollen, petals that fall or even the water the flowers were stored in – all can cause life-threatening problems.

3. Easter Grass

Image result for dog easter grass


Problem: The plastic grass that is found in Easter baskets is appealing to pets and can cause a life-threatening gastrointestinal obstruction which can require surgery to resolve.

Solution: Don’t leave Easter grass lying outside on the lawn after festivities are over. Keep grass out of the reach of all pets while in the house and dispose of used grass in pet-proof container.

4. Table Food





Problem: Onions, garlic, macadamia nuts, grapes and raisins are common toxic foods pets ingest, and many foods that aren’t toxic may cause stomach upset or lead to pancreatitis.

Solution: Don’t leave scraps on the table or counter unattended, and dispose of uneaten food in pet-proof containers.

5. Herbicides


Problem: Easter often brings springtime yard work, leading to animals ingesting herbicides. Pets love the salty taste and may ingest mist in the air while the products are being sprayed.

Solution: Keep all herbicides where pets can’t chew or puncture bottles and make sure lawns are dry before letting pets outside. While many herbicides are not highly toxic, any exposure warrants a call to the vet.

To see a video about creating a poison kit for your home, click the image below!



Provided by the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center /


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