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SRH offers a few select internships in general veterinary medicine each year. We created our internship program because we love meeting and mentoring young people that are passionate about veterinary medicine. However, we get many applications every year and cannot possibly accommodate all applicants. All interested parties should read over the requirements and responsibilities below.

Intern Requirements:

  • Must be at least 18 years old. The applicant must contact our office personally, not a parent or guardian.
  • Must have completed at least 1 semester of college.
  • Must be studying a field related to veterinary medicine. This could include pre-veterinary, veterinary technician, animal science, veterinary medicine, or a similar field.
  • Please submit your resume and a short letter of intent outlining why you would like to complete an internship with us. Describe your animal-related interests, your path to veterinary medicine, your future goals, and what you would like to get out of your time with us.
  • Must provide your own lodging and transportation to and from the clinic each day.
  • Please be aware that we often work into the late evening hours and we work outside in all weather extremes.
  • Internships may be 1 or 2 weeks in length.

Intern Responsibilities:

  • Arrive to the office (295 High St. Ipswich, MA) promptly at 8:15 AM unless instructed otherwise.
  • Help the technician organize and clean the vehicle and prepare for the day.
  • Appropriate footwear. No open-toed shoes or sneakers. Waterproof leather or rubber boots are ideal.
  • Appropriate clothing. Be prepared for long days and weather extremes. Wear multiple layers in winter. No tank tops or shorts should be worn. Jeans are acceptable. Dress is informal but should be practical, professional, and clean.
  • Please bring plenty of food and water. We often work through lunch and eat while driving between appointments.
  • Please behave in a professional manner. Avoid using cell phones unless absolutely necessary. Address clients politely and professionally. Treat all animals with respect. Feel free to ask questions (you are here to learn!), but do so at appropriate times (i.e. not during a complicated medical procedure or while the veterinarian is speaking with a client).
  • Do not discuss medical cases with any outside parties.
  • Do not touch or handle any animal unless directed to do so by the veterinarian or veterinary technician.
  • Please inform our staff if you have any medical limitations or allergies that could be exacerbated when working around animals or medical equipment.
  • Interns are expected to exit the barn while radiographs (xrays) are being taken to avoid radiation exposure.

Please submit your resume and letter of intent via email: