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Looking for Equine veterinary services in Ipswich?

SRH Veterinary Services offers a wide range of veterinary services for equine in the following areas:

  • Wellness and vaccination programs to prevent illnesses
  • Equine medical services for diagnosing and treating health conditions
  • Equine dental cleanings and treatment to avoid serious dental diseases
  • And many more

If you’re ready to see our expert veterinary team in Ipswich, call SRH Veterinary Services today at 978-356-1119 to make an appointment now.

Equine Wellness Exams

Horses are living longer lives now as a result of improvements in equine health care. To help ensure that your horses remain healthy and active throughout their extended years of life, we are excited to introduce a comprehensive wellness service to our equine clients. This service will allow us to provide the best preventive medicine so that we can identify minor issues before they become major health problems.

For example, assessing the body condition and diet of your horses today can protect them from developing weight problems or even laminitis in the future if appropriate recommendations are put into action. In addition, routine blood work can detect early liver or kidney disease before clinical signs develop. Similarly, correcting dental problems greatly reduces the risk of choke and colic.

The wellness service may include:

  • Thorough physical exam to check for early signs of health issues such as heart murmurs, degenerative eye problems, and respiratory or endocrine disease
  • Complete dental exam to look for sharp points or fractured teeth
  • Body condition scoring and weight tape
  • Environmental analysis to address issues such as air quality and stall safety
  • Routine blood work, an option to help monitor general organ system functions

This visit will also provide time for specific discussion of nutrition, vaccination, de-worming, trimming/shoeing, or any other general health concerns you may have. We will provide you with a written report of the exam findings and suggested preventive measures or management changes.

Vaccine Recommendations

Equine Annual Vaccination Recommendations
Based on the recommendations published by the American Association of Equine Practitioners

Mature Equines:

Core Vaccines:

  • Rabies
  • Rhinopneumonitis/Influenza
  • Eastern, Western Encephalitis
  • Tetanus
  • West Nile

Risk-based vaccines:

  • Strangles: Horses that come into contact with others off farm
  • Botulism: Horses that feed off of large square or round bales
  • Potomac Horse Fever: Horses that drink out of ponds, streams or travel to endemic areas
  • Lyme Disease: Pending Lyme multiplex results

Pregnant Mares:

Prior to breeding or following parturition:

  • Rabies: not approved for use in pregnant animals
  • West Nile Virus: not approved for pregnant mares but given if risk is high
  • +/- Intranasal Strangles (modified live vaccines not recommended for use in pregnant animals)

At 3 months:

  • Pneumabort K: minimizes the risk of abortion associated with EHV-1
  • Influenza (injectable)

At 5 months:

  • Pneumabort K

At 7 months:

  • Pneumabort K

At 9 months:

  • Pneumabort K
  • Influenza (injectable)

At 10 months: Remainder of vaccines should be given 4-6 weeks prior to parturition to protect the mare and foal

  • Eastern, Western Encephalitis
  • Tetanus


Foals born to vaccinated mares: We recommend beginning vaccination at 4 months and breaking up the vaccines into 4 separate visits. A booster is required for a few of the vaccines listed below. Rabies does not require a booster. Intranasal influenza is given in lieu of injectable flu because it stimulates a faster immune response.

  1. Eastern, Western Encephalitis and Tetanus/West Nile
  2. Rabies/ Rhinopneumonitis
  3. Eastern, Western Encephalitis and Tetanus/West Nile Booster
  4. Rhinopneumonitis Booster/ Intranasal Influenza (first dose)

At 1 year of age:

  1. Rabies/ Rhinopneumonitis/ Intranasal Influenza
  2. Eastern, Western Encephalitis and Tetanus/West Nile

Foals born to unvaccinated mares or mares with unknown vaccine history:

The program is the same number of visits, but we recommend starting at 3 months of age

For further information on specific diseases and vaccine recommendations please refer to the AAEP Vaccination Guidelines Homepage

Equine Deworming

Equine Annual Deworming Recommendations
Based on the recommendations published by the American Association of Equine Practitioners

Deworming recommendations have changed in recent years and the equine practitioners have stopped recommending mass deworming of horses at regular intervals. Mass treatment of horses in this fashion has helped breed a population of worms which are resistant to anthelmintics (dewormers). Targeted deworming is now recommended where horses are dewormed based on the results of regularly performed fecal egg counts.

Mature horses: Perform fecal egg count twice yearly and deworm as instructed by the veterinarian. Guidelines are listed below. Generally we recommend twice yearly deworming (performed after the FEC) with Ivermectin in the spring and Moxidectin in the fall.

Pregnant mares:

  • Perform regular fecal egg counts (FEC) as described above.
  • 3 months of gestation deworm with Ivermectin/ Praziquantal product such as Equimax
  • Perform FEC one month before foaling and deworm as instructed
  • Deworm the day of foaling with Ivermectin (prevents spread of Strongyloides westeri in the mare’s milk to the foal)


Foals are particularly susceptible to roundworm (Parascaris equorum) infections which can cause impactions and even fatal diseases in young horses. This is also a species of parasite that is resistant to many available dewormers. It is important to perform fecal egg counts on a regular basis and follow deworming instructions.

  • Day 1: Deworm mare with Ivermectin (S. westeri)
  • 2-3 months: Perform fecal egg count, deworm with Panacur/Fenbendazole (10mg/kg which is a double dose)

*FEC 10-14 days after deworming

*At 2-3 months roundworms begin their larval migration

  • Weaning: (6 months) Perform fecal egg count and deworm with Fenbendazole or as instructed
  • 9mos: Fecal egg count, deworm with Ivermectin/ Praziquantal combination product
  • 1 year: Fecal egg count, deworm with Moxidectin (Quest)

Moxidectin is not recommended in animals less than 6 months of age

For further information on specific parasites and deworming recommendations please refer to:

American Association of Equine Practitioners Website

If you have any questions feel free to call the office or speak to one of our veterinarians the next time they come to your farm. Fecal samples may be dropped off at the office any time during our office hours or picked up when we come to your farm. For the full AAEP parasite control protocol information, click HERE.

Equine Dentistry

Like humans and our small animal companions, equines benefit from regular routine dental care, and it is an important aspect of our work at SRH! Poor dentition can lead to a host of other health deficits including poor condition, weight loss, difficulty with a bit, sinus infections, choke, and colic. Sometimes acute dental problems may also arise such as a fractured or loose tooth. Routine dental care performed by a veterinarian often requires sedation to allow the horse to be more calm and comfortable during the procedure and to allow for examination and floating of the teeth at the very back of the mouth. Regular dental exams help keep your horse’s mouth healthy and can prevent bigger issues down the road!

A horse’s teeth continue to “erupt” from the gum line throughout most of the horse’s life. Due to the chewing pattern horses use to grind their forage, they are prone to developing sharp points on the upper teeth next to the cheeks, and on the lower teeth next to the tongue. If not addressed by a veterinarian, these points can cause ulceration on the horse’s cheeks or tongue or prevent a normal chewing pattern. In a routine dental exam, or “float,” your veterinarian will smooth these sharp points to allow proper movement of the jaw during chewing.

Horses may, at times, experience fractured or loose teeth. They may also lose teeth, especially as they age. These damaged or missing teeth also alter the chewing pattern and ultimately the wear of these corresponding teeth. In these cases certain teeth can grow too tall in the absence of the opposing tooth. This can lead to difficulty chewing, or even to wounds from the overgrown tooth. Fractured or loose teeth can also be uncomfortable and lead to trouble eating, or can become infected and lead to a sinus infection. Having a veterinarian evaluate the mouth and extract any problem teeth is the appropriate way to address these conditions.

As horses’ lifespans increase due to better care and veterinary intervention, they can sometimes outlive their teeth! They may reach an age where their teeth stop erupting and become worn smooth, no longer able to adequately chew their forage or feed. This can lead to an inability to ingest enough calories or put them at risk for choke. Regular dental care for the older horse can help recognize these issues and your vet can help you come up with an appropriate feeding strategy to keep your horse well and safely fed.

An increasingly recognized dental disease, EOTRH (Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption Hypercementosis) affects mostly older horses. The roots of the incisors become inflamed and begin to dissolve, a painful process for the horse. External inflammation of the gums or malformation of the incisors can be an indication of this disease, and dental x-rays can help further diagnose the presence and progression of the disease. Though the cause is still unclear, the only cure is to remove the affected teeth. This can be performed by a veterinary dental specialist either at the farm or at our clinic.

At SRH, our large animal veterinarians are trained and experienced in performing both routine dental examinations and floats, as well as in diagnosing other oral medical maladies. Additionally, we are associated with a boarded equine veterinary dentist and can coordinate more invasive extractions and procedures when required.

To further illustrate the procedures and conditions mentioned above, the following video is an excellent overview of equine oral anatomy, dental issues, and care.

Equine Dentistry Video

Equine Veterinary Podiatry

Dr. Lordan is a veterinarian and Certified Journeyman Farrier who focuses on lameness as it relates to the equine foot.

Equine Veterinary Podiatry Info

Important Disease Information

Eastern and Western Equine Encephalomyelitis

EEE, WEE and VEE (Venezuelan) are the most commonly recognized viruses causing encephalitis in horses in the Western Hemisphere. While WEE is primarily found on the western side of North America and EEE on the eastern side, there is a significant amount of overlap, hence why we vaccinate for both strains. Natural reservoirs are birds and small mammals which harbor the disease, mosquitoes are the vector that transmits it to horses and people. While the mosquito vector is the most important for transmission, it can be transmitted from horse to horse as well.

Humans can be infected with EEE and the mortality rate is 50-75% in those infected. Symptoms include headache, encephalitis, altered state of consciousness and seizures. Fatality from WEE is less common (5-15% mortality rate).

Clinical signs are more extreme in unvaccinated animals and develop within 1-3 weeks of exposure in experimental studies. These signs include fever, anorexia, depression and stiffness. While signs of WEE often do not progress beyond this point, animals affected with EEE will often develop symptoms of neurologic disease ranging from depression and proprioceptive deficits to aggression, hyperesthesia, propulsive walking and excitability. As the disease progresses, animals may head press, shows signs of blindness, develop a head tilt or begin circling. Other neurologic signs, such as paralysis of the larynx, pharynx and tongue may become apparent as well.

Treatment is supportive care but once neurologic signs develop, mortality rate is 75-100% for horses affected with EEE and approximately 20% for WEE. For horses that survive, most have permanent neurologic deficits.

Prevention is key! Vaccination is very effective and horses develop a significant titer within 3 days of vaccination. Consider vaccinating twice yearly in the face of an outbreak or in endemic areas. Use mosquito repellents, fly sheets and masks whenever possible.

Bertone, J., Viral Encephalitis in: Equine Internal Medicine. 3rd Ed. Saunders 2010. Pps.624-627.


Please click this link for more information:

Potomac Horse Fever

There have been at least 2 confirmed cases of Potomac Horse Fever (PHF) this summer, one in Norfolk County and one in Essex County. It can therefore be said definitively that the causative organism, which is Neorickettsia risticii, is present in the environment of our practice area.

Horses are exposed to the causative organism by oral consumption of aquatic insects (ex: dragonflies, mayflies) that have picked up flukes (flatworms) that develop in snails in fresh water, ponds, streams, and low lying pastures. Horses can then ingest the insects by either drinking from these bodies of water, or in their own water buckets and tubs that have been contaminated by the insects.

Signs can include: fever, diarrhea, lethargy, and mild colic. The onset can be slow in affected animals, and there is a significant mortality rate in untreated horses. There is an incidence of laminitis in more than 20% of recovered cases.

Preventative management measures include: prevention of consumption of water from streams, ponds, and water pools in turnout areas. Buckets and water tubs should be evacuated on a daily basis to reduce the concentration of insects in the water. Turning off lights at night in stables may reduce the attraction of insects to the water sources in the barn. There is an available vaccine for the disease that is administered either alone or in combination with rabies vaccinations. The vaccine has mixed scientific reviews for efficacy but it has been considered helpful in areas of the country where Potomac Horse Fever is more endemic. The vaccine protocol involves 2 vaccines administered 3-4 weeks apart initially, followed semiannual or annual boosters. In our practice area annual boosters in the spring are adequate since the disease only appears in the warm weather of late spring to early fall.

Given the current situation we recommend vaccination for horses whose stabling and turnout situations expose them to the aquatic insects which may carry the disease.

Here is a link to the AAEP website for additional information:

Equine Coronavirus (ECoV) risk assessment during horse shows

DAR, The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Division of Animal Health
Ron Vin, DVM, DACVIM, Vin Equine Services, Myhre Equine Clinic
Linda Mittel, MSPH, DVM Animal Health Diagnostic Center Cornell University
Melissa R. Mazan, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University

This document provides basic information regarding Equine Coronavirus (ECoV). ECoV is a recently identified contagious disease that generates a high level of concern and much communication within the equestrian community. Horses that are competing may encounter ECoV at a show or other event. ECoV is known to be transmitted by a fecal- oral route (transmission through the manure of a horse that is shedding the virus).

Good biosecurity should be practiced at all horse gatherings/ competitions which will decrease exposure to the virus. See EDCC guidelines.

Summer 2018 ECoV incidents in the Northeast Region of the USA:
During the late summer of 2018, several horses were affected by ECoV at a horse show. Most of the affected horses had the typical mild-to-moderate, self-limiting gastrointestinal disease but a small number of horses was more severely affected. ECoV is diagnosed sporadically throughout the year but is more common in the cooler months.

What we known about ECoV

  • ECoV has been recognized in the last several years as a new/emerging gastrointestinal disease in adult horses (1). Only about 25% of the naturally infected horses show clinical signs.
  • Approximately 10% of horses with clinical signs of fever, lethargy, anorexia (lack of appetite) or diarrhea due to ECoV also show signs of colic (abdominal pain).
  • Mortality is low (3-7%). Fecal-oral infection with ECoV is currently considered as the likely exclusive form of transmission between horses (4).
  • We expect that horses will shed the EcoV virus for approximately 25 days, however, longer shedding times and asymptomatic chronic shedders have been anecdotally documented.

Information about how long ECoV can survive in the environment is limited. Survival of virus in the environment depends on many factors, including presence of a porous surface, humidity, and number of viral particles present, so it is difficult to predict. General recommendations for showgrounds facilities to minimize the risk of ECoV (and other contagious disease) include the following:

  • Show ground facility managers should clean and disinfect (C and D) the entire facility several times a year as well as between closely scheduled horse shows. Manure should be removed from the stalls and premises as soon as possible, thus decreasing the likelihood of horses being exposed to contagious disease.
  • Show ground facility managers should have a biosecurity system in place prior to every event. This should include a plan for any ailment or disease that may occur at the event. Dedicated biosecurity officers (these can be specially trained show personnel) should be present at all show grounds or events. This will allow a quicker and more thorough response to a suspected contagious disease, thus minimizing potential spread and facilitating early therapy if indicated.
  • Show ground facility managers should require a CVI (Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, also known as a health certificate) prior to entry to the show grounds and should screen all horses entering the show grounds.

As a responsible equestrian planning to attend a horse show you should take basic biosecurity measures including:

  • Have a current CVI, Coggins test, and other required documentation when you attend the show.
  • Never bring a horse to a show if you suspect or can confirm any signs of disease such as, but not limited to, fever, lethargy, nasal discharge, coughing, diarrhea or colic.
  • Ensure your horse is properly vaccinated by your veterinarian.
  • During the show, monitor your horses frequently for any abnormal clinical signs and report concerns to the responsible veterinarian and/or the biosecurity showground officials.
  • Minimize as much as possible your horse’s exposure to possible sources of infectious disease such as other horse manure, direct contact with other horses, common water troughs or buckets, and shared tack.
  • Educate yourself about equine biosecurity and ECoV;

Take home messages:

  • ECoV is a newly recognized infectious disease that can affect individuals and groups of horses. Morbidity and mortality rates vary with the horse’s own health status and response to illness as well as circumstances surrounding the exposure and conditions at the stabling facility. Infectious disease is part of the inherent risk of horse shows. This risk cannot be reduced to zero but can be minimized by responsible and professional conduct by showground facilities, show organizers and the equestrian community
  • We hope that this document helps Northeastern equestrians becoming better educated, more enthusiastic and better prepared for show season this spring!

DAR, The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Division of Animal Health
Ron Vin, DVM, DACVIM, Vin Equine Services, Myhre Equine Clinic
Linda Mittel, MSPH, DVM Animal Health Diagnostic Center Cornell University
Melissa R. Mazan, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University


  • Enteric coronavirus infection in adult horses N. Pusterla, R. Vin, C.M. Leutenegger, L.D. Mittel, T.J. Divers. The Veterinary Journal Volume 231, January 2018, Pages 13-1
  • Study on the resistance of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus XinWeiWanga., et al Journal of Virological Methods Volume 126, Issues 1–2, June 2005, Pages 171-177
  • Overview of Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Julie K. Levy. The Merck Manual
  • Experimental inoculation of equine coronavirus into Japanese draft horses Nemoto, M., Oue, Y., Morita, Y., Kanno, T., Kinoshita, Y., Niwa, H., Ueno, T., Katayama, Y., Bannai, H., Tsujimura, K., et al. 2014. Archives of Virology 159, 3329–3334.
  • AHDC online information:
  • Boone S, Gerba C. Significance of Fomites in the Spread of Respiratory and Enteric Viral Disease. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2007, 73(6):1687-1696

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease in horses is a controversial entity in veterinary circles. There is still not much evidence-based medical data to establish that Lyme infection causes a definite set of pathologic signs in affected horses, even though many of them are treated for infections determined by serologic laboratory testing. Highly recognizable syndromes like those seen in human and canine Lyme disease patients are infrequent in horses. Resolution of perceived symptoms following treatment does appear to occur in some cases, but making that determination is subjective and often not definitive.

Nevertheless, the protection of horses against infection by the causative bacterium Borrelia Burgdorferi is a worthwhile cause in dealing with the problems arising from the confusing clinical recognition and treatment of the disease.

Testing and Vaccination Protocol:
We have been vaccinating a significant number of our equine patients against Lyme disease in the past five years. Although there is still no official approved vaccine for horses, the experience of most equine veterinarians has shown that canine vaccine has produced high levels of vaccine antibodies against lyme disease when used in horses. These protective antibodies can help to protect vaccinated animals against infection if the immunizations are kept current.

It is not required to check your horse’s Lyme titer before vaccinating if they are not displaying clinical signs. If it is the first time your horse is receiving the vaccine, they will need a 2 vaccine series, 3 weeks apart, and then a booster every 6 months to maintain protection. If you would like to check your horse’s titer we recommend doing so at the first 6-month booster so that we can assess response to the vaccine as well.

Treating for Lyme Disease:
As Stated above, clinical Lyme disease in equines is rare even in the presence of a positive serum titer. If you are concerned your horse may have Lyme disease, discuss with your veterinarian whether testing and/or treatment may be the best option for your horse. Listed below are the standard approved treatments for Lyme disease in equines and your veterinarian can help determine which protocol would be best suited for each case based on you and your horse’s situation.

  • 21 days of IV Oxytetracycline
  • 7 Days of IV Oxytetracycline followed by 21 days of oral Doxycycline
  • 28 days of oral Doxycycline
  • 28 days of oral Minocycline
  • No Treatment- Not treating your horse even though they have an above-normal Lyme titer may be an acceptable option. This is especially true if they are not displaying clinical signs of Lyme disease.

Post-treatment we recommend rechecking a serum titer at 4-6 months as it takes time for the level of antibodies in your horse’s system to change.

Whether or not you decide to vaccinate your horse against Lyme disease, keeping the ticks off your horse is key in preventing infection! Topical preventatives include:

  1. Vectra3D, a topical liquid applied once a month.
  2. Fly sprays containing Permethrin.
  3. Applying Swat above the chin area and Show Sheen to the lower limbs and tail to prevent ticks from climbing aboard while grazing.
  4. Using a lint roller to remove ticks from your horse before they can attach.

Breeding Services

Are you looking to breed your mare? SRH proudly offers a full array of reproductive services including breeding soundness evaluations and artificial insemination with either fresh cooled or frozen semen. Call the office for more information about scheduling an appointment and the costs involved.

If your mare is already pregnant and you are interested in learning more about what occurs during gestation? Or when she may be due to Foal? Use this Pregnancy Wheel tool to learn more!

Mare Behavior Modification

Often times mares can misbehave and it is often thought to be estrus cycle related. These mares need a thorough evaluation by a veterinarian. SRH offers options to suppress your mare’s heat cycle.

Regu-Mate is a time-tested oral hormonal option to stop a mare from cycling. But did you know there are other options?

  • Injectable Altrenogest (an injectable form of Regu-Mate)
  • Injections of Oxytocin
  • For those who prefer not to handle hormones for daily dosing, we now also offer a long-term insertable option. The iUPOD developed by Dr. Gradil of Tufts is a “self-assembling drug-free intrauterine device designed to modulate estrus behavior in mares.” The “pearls” are placed in the uterus by a veterinarian and then left in place for 6 months at a time.

Call SRH for more information about setting an evaluation and what route may be best for you and your mare!

Equine Lameness

SRH is proud to offer a wide array of equine lameness diagnostics, imaging, and therapy modalities. Our doctors are skilled at assessing lameness through visual and physical examination. Additionally flexion tests and nerve blocks can be used to further pinpoint the source of lameness. SRH is proud to offer advanced diagnostic services using the Lameness Locator® by Equinosis, a system in which sensors are placed on the horse to measure head-nod and hip-drop that may be imperceptible to the human eye. This can provide useful metrics to aid in assessing subtle or multi-limb lameness cases.

Once an area has been identified as a possible source of lameness, diagnostic imaging such as radiology or ultrasonography can be implemented at the farm using mobile units. After a diagnosis is reached, we offer a wide array of treatment options and are able to tailor therapies to best suit your horse and situation.

Joint Therapies

While intraarticular injection of steroids is a time- tested therapy for managing joint inflammation and osteoarthritis, not all horses are great candidates, especially those at risk for metabolic disease and laminitis. In addition, some horses become refractory to intraarticular injection of steroids and discomfort becomes harder to control with traditional methods.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a safe, effective alternative to intraarticular steroid injection. This product has been used in practice for many years but has become increasingly accessible for field practitioners. In acute injury, platelets and associated chemical compounds are recruited to the injury site to stimulate healing. Your horse’s blood can be collected stall-side and processed to harvest and concentrate those platelets, growth factors and other anti-inflammatory compounds condensing everything into “Platelet Rich Plasma.” The PRP can subsequently be reinjected directly into a joint or into a tendon/ligament injury. Because the product comes from your horse’s blood and contains no steroids, we can offer your horse regenerative therapy without putting them at risk for many of the rare but negative side effects from steroids. Additionally, some horses that are refractory to steroid therapy may still show a positive response to PRP therapy.

Another product used to manage joint disease is Noltrex®Vet. Noltrex®Vet was designed to mirror the viscoelastic and lubricating properties of synovial fluid. When injected into a joint, the hydrostatic pressure within the joint is responsible for the development of a lubricating film. This physically protects the joint and aids in lubrication. This product can be injected much more frequently than steroids if necessary to keep the animal comfortable. For more information please visit


Shockwave is a non-invasive option for treating pain/lameness in an outpatient setting. Using high energy sound waves, Shockwave can be used to treat both more acute and chronic pain associated with soft tissue injuries and arthritis, and can also be used as an adjunct therapy to complement other modalities.